time bomb
N-COUNT 定时炸弹
A time bomb is a bomb with a mechanism that causes it to explode at a particular time. -
N-COUNT 潜在的严重问题
If you describe something as a time bomb, you mean that it is likely to have a serious effect on a person or situation at a later date, especially if you think it will cause a lot of damage.This proposal is a political time bomb that could cost the government the next election...
- a bomb that has a detonating mechanism that can be set to go off at a particular time
- Synonym: infernal machine
- a problematic situation that will eventually become dangerous if not addressed
- India is a demographic time bomb
- the refugee camp is a ticking bomb waiting to go off
- Synonym: ticking bomb
Rising unemployment is a political time bomb for the government .
Elastic collision in ADAMS to push the simulation analysis , leads to shells motion pose and stable time bomb speeds .
In addition to her Time Bomb ability , the Mothership also has a special attack that she can employ against ground targets .
And it is a time bomb for the Tories who struggle to win votes from BME communities which overwhelmingly back Labour .
Phoenix in the east The tasks facing Japan are staggering . But a country does not live on a geological time bomb without some accommodation by the national psyche .
A back propagation neural network model was used to study the relationship between the time of rotory bomb oxidation of lube base oil and its chemical composition .
Perhaps it was the time when the atomic bomb had fallen on Colchester .
Subsequently , the Computer System gets the counterattacking bomb 's real-time position information by some necessary means , computes and decides the optimum time when the counterattacking bomb and the invading missile will meet .